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Amazon to sell MARC records

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Amazon has announced that they are now selling MARC records and other services to their library customers. Andrew Pace has the following observation,

"As if things weren’t strange enough, Amazon has announced that it will make MARC records available to libraries that purchase through its site. In collaboration with TLC, Marcive, and OCLC, Amazon has introduced Library Processing for Corporate Account customers. The service includes more MARC records, Mylar covers, labels, and more."
[Hectic Pace, 7.8.06]

This is another example of Amazon courting the substantial library market by adding value to items purchased by libraries. It is also notable that Amazon has not become a new competitor in the library service marketplace. They have used their dominance as a vendor of information objects to form partnerships with multiple library service vendors in order to further entrench Amazon's dominant position. This is smart business.