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Shed a tear for WFC

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Big news in the Fiji blogoshere, notorious anti-government blog Why Fiji's Crying is offline. The Wordpress notice claims that the site was taken down by the authors. According to the metablog site technorati, the last post on WFC was approximately 48 days ago. There are no signs that this is an act of Internet censorship, although conspiracy theories abound.

If you are feeling nostalgic or just wondering what exactly RFC was, there are a few pages captured on the Internet Archive Way Back Machine. I have also written critically about WFC on at least one occasion.

Photo by: a short in the dark


Picky Eater said...

Good riddance to bad rubbish! Regardless of which side of Fiji's political divide you find yourself on, WFC was not helpful, nor accurate, nor even thought provoking.

WordPress should have taken them down long ago for breach of their Terms & Conditions.

Long live serious, thoughtful, citizen media.

Wilson said...

Granted their content was more rumours, threats and bullshit then anything proper, but you gotta admit, those guys made it to the top 100 blogs list for WordPress ;P

If anything...Fiji Represent! :D

Even if it is mostly crap...

Anonymous said...

oh, happy days!!! The most ridiculous site in Fiji is finally down and out - at least the crap they were spewing is finally over and we can salvage whatever we can of our reputation that site destroyed through its utterly racial comments.

Regardless of how "popular" the site became, I can only say that all those who supported it belong to the same class of numbskulls who merely use the Internet to rant and spew racial venom all over the place.

thrashor said...

i wonder what happened? did the wfc guy(s)/gal(s) get caught?

Anonymous said...

has anyone gone to the site recently???

Apparently, they've been hacked by someone or group called SuvaRaidrz

thrashor said...

huh, that is strange. wasn't RFC only on blogger or is my memory failing me?

Anonymous said...

They had moved their site to Wordpress I think - apparently thats where they got quite a number of hits... goes to show how easily Wordpress can be hacked :)