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Save Vocea appointed to ICANN

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Congratulations to local boy Save Vocea on his appointment to the US dominated Internet naming regulator ICANN. By this and similar appointments ICANN hopes to cast itself as a truly international organization.

ICANN is pleased to announce the following new staff appointment joining the Global Partnership's regional liaison network. This appointment demonstrates ICANN's continued commitment to build on existing outreach and support the increasing international participation in ICANN and efficiency of the ICANN multi- stakeholder environment.

Savenaca Vocea: ICANN Global Partnership -- Australasia/Pacific Islands Liaison

Save joins ICANN from the Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC), where he served since 2002. He performed both Liaison (Pacific) and Policy Development Manager role. He facilitated the process of APNICs policy development and project manage implementation of these policies. He presents and participates in the Pacific islands telco/internet fora liaising with industry stakeholder groups. He is organizing committee member to the Pacific Network Operators Group (PacNOG). He is also committee member to APRICOT and SANOG.

Prior to APNIC, Save was Manager at Pacific Islands Telecommunications Association (PITA) collaborating industry initiatives and member activities with regional and international stakeholders to foster ICT development in the Pacific.

Save is well known to the Oceania telecom/Internet and international community and brings a wealth of experience which will be invaluable to ICANN. ICANN wishes Save every success.
[ICANN Announces New Staff Appointments, 9 October 2006]
ICANN's apparent lack of independence from the US government has been a point of discussion in the press recently. Fellow Canadian Michael Geist recently published an editorial entitled, "ICANN sacrifices privacy for shot at independence",
the U.S. government has undone five years of policy work that the Internet community has undertaken by requiring ICANN to enforce current WHOIS policies. As discontent over the WHOIS issue mounted late last week, ICANN CEO Paul Twomey offered a strained interpretation of the clause, suggesting that he did not believe that it restricted future WHOIS reforms.
[Ottawa Citizen, 10 October 2006]
Computerworld New Zealand has the following comment on the recent decision to extend the US Department of Commerce's control over ICANN,
The US Department of Commerce will retain ICANN oversight for three more years, although there will be a review in 18 months of ICANN’s progress towards becoming a more stable, transparent and accountable organisation, the government agency says. A spokesman for ICANN says that at this 18-month review a decision could be taken to give ICANN total autonomy.
[US govt retains ICANN oversight, Computerworld New Zealand, 11 October 2006]